It is with deep regret that we announce the passing away of Renuka Sharma, one of the founder members of the IAWRT Chapter India on November 27. Renuka was the former Secretary and Treasurer of the chapter and a close associate of the chapter's founder, Jai Chandiram. "Renuka was an independent broadcaster and was extremely passionate about radio and sound. Her untimely death is deeply mourned by the IAWRT family" Nupur Basu, Managing Trustee of Chapter India observed. "The chapter will always value her contribution to broadcasting, gender justice and IAWRT".
Tribute from IAWRT board member Ananya Chakraborti
Feisty, fun loving, fiercely loyal and passionate about things is how one can best describe Renuka in one line. One of the founding members of IAWRT India chapter, Renuka was Jai Chandiram’s trusted aide and served on the first two terms as Secretary and Treasurer. She loved her work on the radio and was full of ideas on how to improve it. Once when Reena, Anupama and myself met her in her office, she offered us “butter toast”. It is the best toast you have ever had, she proudly announced. That was Renuka, proud of everything, of being a woman, of the struggles of a woman, of her friends and associates, her work, of IAWRT. And if you were her friend, she would fight for you and defend you with her life. She loved Jai passionately and had once proposed to me to make Jai a life-member of IAWRT India. For her IAWRT was unimaginable without Jai. Farewell my friend. Now is the time to be united with your best friend, in a better world.
Tribute from a fellow IAWRT member Kiron Bansal
I am still shocked at the tragic news of Renuka's passing away and unable to come to terms on writing about her in the past tense. Renuka as we all know, was a very lively, vibrant and interesting person. I remember she was always there at the IAWRT film festivals and along with Jai, Ratna Bali (sadly both of them are no longer with us), Radhika, Samina and few other founding members. I met her for the last time before IAWRT Radio festival last year when she was looking visibly frail and weak - didn’t know she would leave all of us so soon. I know I am not able to do justice to this wonderful person and a good friend who left all of us suddenly. All I can say - Rest in Peace Renuka – You will be deeply missed by all of us at IAWRT.
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