Whether you are wondering about the beautiful physics behind solar power generation or looking for an easy way to implant Solar panels for power generation to avoid costly electricity, well in both cases you are lucky. We have got you covered. Tighten your seatbelts, we are going to cross the speed limit.
Quick Facts
- The power density of the sun's radiation on the surface is approximately 1.4 kW/m2
- Photosynthesis uses only .023% of the energy that reaches the surface of the earth.
- The Sun delivers more energy to Earth in an hour than we use in a year from fossil, nuclear and all renewable sources combined
Physics Behind Solar Power Generation
The beauty of physics doesn't lie in its power, rather it is the nature itself engraved into it. With that said, the story begins with a brilliant scientist, Russell Ohl, who received Nobel Prize for his discovery of p-n junction and photovoltaic effects in silicon that leads to the development of junction and solar cells, hey wait, what are those things? Yes, a p-n junction is like the fused small connection between electrons acting as negative majority charge carriers and holes acting as positive majority charge carriers, on their connect there is small neutral zone formed that is called a p-n junction. And now what is the photoVoltaic effect? It is this production of voltage when a suitable photon strikes a p-n junction.The picture is free of cost and without copyright
So basically, here, there are only 2 more questions left unanswered. The first and kind of most important one, what does it mean by a suitable photon? By suitable proton, a proton carrying equal to or more than the potential energy of target electron, or in simple words proton must be capable of ionization otherwise there would be no photoVoltaic effect.
And the second, but the most interesting question, what does exactly happens on the successful collision of a photon? So when a photon collides with the p-n junction, which you remember from the above discussion, is a neutral atoms zone, it ejects out an electron and consistent successful collisions constitute a source of new current which is actually working on the law of conservation of energy, there it is this energy conversion of heat into electricity.
And the second, but the most interesting question, what does exactly happens on the successful collision of a photon? So when a photon collides with the p-n junction, which you remember from the above discussion, is a neutral atoms zone, it ejects out an electron and consistent successful collisions constitute a source of new current which is actually working on the law of conservation of energy, there it is this energy conversion of heat into electricity.
Solar Power Generation Implant
Well if you are thinking of using Solar Panels as a replacement to your home general electricity, they can serve as wonderful choice, they are cost-effective, handy and reliable. They come in every size and with the right configuration, solar panels can generate enough electricity in the day time to run your fans, computers, refrigerators, and even air conditioners. There are standard solar panels sizes, and one plate is capable of generating 320 watts constantly, with half rooftop, they can pretty much hold the home bright for long after you go to sleep.
Depending on location, there are multiple online stores, you may want to check out, I am listing my favorites links below, and disclaimer we have no connection with these online stores, this is not paid referral.
Where to buy it?
You should first check your local marketplace and you will pretty much easily find adjustable to your need, and if you are looking online, you may want to look at web stores below
Product Available on Amazon
There are wide range selection usage-based solar Panels available with proficient designs on Amazon
and there are quite a few available in 320-watt, the one with least cost is this
Product Available on Daraz
General different sizes and differents outputs all variants on Daraz.
The 320-watt power panel, ORIX brand with 10-year warranty, side hint price is little slack
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