Air Washer Pump , Ducts and Trenches , Plant Location , Exhaust Air System ,
Fresh Air System
Fresh Air System
Air Washer Pump
- Automatic Pump operation ON/OFF.
- Spray water pressure should be 2 to 3 kg/cm 2.
- Use softened water.
- Air washer efficiency should be maintained at 95%.
Automatic Water Control |
- Corrosion of machine may take place with water having high and chloride contents.
- Deposition of fine dust on machines may take place with water having mineral (salt) contents.
- Corrosion of Humidification and Air Conditioning equipment's could take place with Low pH values.
- Scale formation of Humidification equipment's occurs with high contents of Calcium and Magnesium in water.
- Air washer efficiency deteriorates with high contents of certain minerals and chlorides in the water due to poor evaporation of spray water.
Air Water Efficiency formula:
n = DBb – Dba
➖➖➖➖ x 100
DBb – WBb
DBb = Dry Bulb Temperature of air before air washer in oC
DBa = Dry Bulb Temperature of air after air washer in oC
WBb = Wet Bulb Temperature of air before air washer in oC
n = Air washer efficiency of spray chamber in %
- pH - 7.5 to 8.5
- Chlorides - 50 mg/l
- Sulphates - 50 to 100 mg/l
- Silicates - 10 mg/l
- Phosphates - 5 mg/l
- Nitrates - 30 mg/l
- Calcium Oxide - 120 mg/l
- Calcium Carbonate - 290 mg/l
- Magnesium - 40 mg/l
- Sodium - 25 mg/l
- Iron - 0.05 mg/l
- Presently, Mill is using Raw water with average quality of 750 TDS.
- Due to rapid evaporation taking place in the air washer section, water TDS goes upto 2000 PPM with in 10 days.
- Heavy salt content in the water will deposit scale over the Eliminators, Nozzles and Wall also.
- It is not Recommended to use more TDS (above 1200 PPM ).
- It Suggested to use softened water or RO water to reduce Scale formation in the Plant room and Improve plant efficiency.
Note :Above 90% means = GoodBetween 80 - 85 % = AverageBelow 80 % = Poor (to be improved)
Plant Location
- Supply & Exhaust Plants should be nearer to the Department.
- Supply Air Plant at first floor.
- Exhaust Fan in ground floor.
- Separate pneumafil Exhaust Trench for Spinning Frames.
- Straight and Less Right angle bends.
- Not more then 120m length.
- Sufficient size.
- Proper Taper (1:100) ( Next Article we will discuss about Ducts and Trenches Briefly)
Exhaust Air System
- Rotary Air filter will consume more power due to more Resistance.
- Exhaust Trenches should be of proper in size.
- Location of the Exhaust trenches at correct place.
- Trenches are to be cleaned every week.
- Exhaust grille size and number of grilles Use Required Capacity of the Plant.
- The Exhaust Plant Room Size.
- Automatic Fan Closing sheets.
- V-Shape/Rotary Exhaust Air Filter.
- Avoid exhaust hot air leakage through the Recirculation air damper.
- Actual supply and exhaust plant capacity is to be measured by using Anemometer. ( Next Article we will discuss about Air Flow Measurement Briefly)
- Required humidification plant capacity is to be calculated based on the heat load of the department. ( Next Article we will discuss about Heat Load Briefly)
- Plant capacity can be optimized by reducing the fan blade angle or by switching off the fan in multiple fan system or using inverter drives.
- Be of Higher Efficiency.
- Have Lesser Tip Clearance.
- Be Direct Driven.
- Be with Adjustable Blades.
- Be with Automatic Fan Closing Sheets.
- Hub Ratio Should be above 30%.
P = Power (kw) varies in cube of the speed.
Q = Volume (cfm) varies as the fan speed.
P = Pressure vary as the square of the speed.
Calculation of Fan Power:
Fan Power (HP) = p x 5.2 x Q
p - velocity pressure in inches of wc
q - volume of air in cu.ft / min
5.2 - constant to convert inches of wc to lbf / sq.ft
- Fresh Air filters are to be cleaned every 4 hours (based on requirement)
- Damper are to be cleaned and lubricated once in 15 days.
- Motors and pumps are to be cleaned daily.
- Air distribution sheets every week.
- Water spraying nozzles once in week.
- Eliminator sheets once in 3 months.
- Supply Air duct once in 15 days
- Supply Air diffusers daily.
- Exhaust air filter based on requirement (Min once in 4 hrs).
- Dampers cleaning and lubrication once in 15 days.
- Motors daily
- Exhaust air trenches weekly.
- ATTIC ventilation will reduce transmitted heat through roof.
- False ceiling is to be insulated.
- V-shape fresh air filter.
- Sufficient size of fresh air damper will improve plant efficiency.
- Automatic fan closing sheets.
- PVC baffle type air distribution sheets.
- PVC clamp-on type water nozzles.
- ‘S’ (2 pass) Type PVC eliminator sheets.
- The correct size of the air washer section.
- The size of the supply air duct.
- Uniform air distribution system.
- Power saving of about 25% to 60% in existing humidification plants.
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