What Is Humidity?
Humidity is water vapor in the air.
Relative Humidity is the amount of water vapor in a given volume and temperature of air compared with the maximum amount of water vapor that volume of air can hold at that temperature (saturation).
Three primary measurements of humidity are widely employed (Absolute, Relative and Specific).
In a constant volume of air the amount of water vapor the air can hold increases as temperature increases.
1 cubic foot is the most common measurement of volume. Amount of water vapor is expressed in “grains”.
- 1 cubic foot of air at 70ºF holds 8.10 grains of water vapor.
1 cubic foot of air at 0ºF holds 0.48 grains of water vapor.
If 1 cubic foot of air at 70ºF is holding 8.10 grains of water vapor,
then it is saturated and is at 100% relative humidity.
If 1 cubic foot of air at 70ºF is holding 4.05 grains of water vapor,
then it is at 50% relative humidity.
If 1 cubic foot of air at 0ºF is holding 0.48 grains of water vapor (saturated)
and is then heated to 70ºF, the grains of water vapor remain constant and the
relative humidity is 6%.
Why Humidify?
- Today’s high tech environments require meticulous control of humidity to eliminate static electricity, ensure quality manufacturing processes, preserve precious documents and works of art and provide comfort while adhering to Indoor Air Quality standards.
- The specific reasons to humidify are as numerous as the applications, but the purpose is common across the board is to eliminate problems that can damage products, ruin buildings, or jeopardize health.
If RH < 35 % :
- When RH reaches levels below 35%, static electricity may develop on surfaces and materials.
- Static electricity is not only annoying, it can wreak havoc on computers by burning microchips and wiping out memory cards.
- Elimination of static electricity also greatly reduces the risk of solvent fires in the printing industry. Commercial presses develop extraordinary amounts of electricity at the roller and ignite solvents in the ink wells.
- This is a real problem in the plastics and films manufacturing process where dust can ruin a product and in the healthcare industry, dust can jeopardize lives.
If RH > 40% to 60% :
- Indoor Air Quality affects man and machine, and both operate best at optimum environmental conditions.
- IBC and IEC standards are forcing manufacturers and building owners to adjust their management of air quality control.
- If a building’s main HVAC system does not have the capacity to maintain RH levels within a comfort zone of 40% to 60%, then proper humidification can help reduce adverse effects of occupant discomfort, bacteria growth, viruses, fungi, mites, allergic reactions, respiratory infections, chemical interactions and ozone production.
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