
Monday, June 14, 2021

Siemens RDS110 Thermostat Parameter List Part-3

In This Article we are going to see SIEMENS RDS 110 THERMOSTAT Parameter List Part-2  (Minimum switchover time adjustment , Other settings)

Siemens Thermostat
Siemens RDS110

Minimum Switchover Time Adjustment


NO : 29

Application Settings : Humidify (no fan) minimum ON time

Descriptions : The minimum working time of  a standalone humidifier. This minimum limitation protects the humidifier from being destroyed by frequent switchovers.

Factory Settings : 3 min

Range :  0 to 60 min 

Dependencies : You've configured the thermostat output as Humidifier (no fan ) in changing system setup.

NO : 30

Application Settings Humidify (no fan) minimum OFF time

Descriptions : The minimum OFF time of  a standalone humidifier. This minimum limitation protects the humidifier from being destroyed by frequent switchovers.

Factory Settings : 3 min

Range :  0 to 60 min 

Dependencies : You've configured the thermostat output as Humidifier (no fan ) in changing system setup.

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Application Settings : Dehumidify (no fan) minimum OFF time

Descriptions : The minimum working time of  a standalone Dehumidifier. This minimum limitation protects the Dehumidifier from being destroyed by frequent switchovers.

Factory Settings : 3 min

Range :  0 to 60 min 

Dependencies : You've configured the thermostat output as Dehumidifier (no fan ) in changing system setup.

NO : 32

Application Settings Dehumidify (no fan) minimum OFF time.

Descriptions : The minimum OFF time of  a standalone Dehumidifier. This minimum limitation protects the Dehumidifier from being destroyed by frequent switchovers.

Factory Settings : 3 min

Range :  0 to 60 min 

Dependencies : You've configured the thermostat output as Dehumidifier (no fan ) in changing system setup.

NO : 33

Application Settings DHW minimum ON time.

Descriptions : The minimum working time of the domestic hot water boiler. this minimum limitation protects the boiler from being destroyed by frequent switchovers.

Factory Settings : 3 min

Range :  0 to 60 min 

Dependencies : You've configured the thermostat output as Domestic hot water boiler (no fan ) in changing system setup.

NO : 34

Application Settings DHW minimum OFF time.

Descriptions : The minimum OFF time of the domestic hot water boiler. this minimum limitation protects the boiler from being destroyed by frequent switchovers.

Factory Settings : 3 min

Range :  0 to 60 min 

Dependencies : You've configured the thermostat output as Domestic hot water boiler (no fan ) in changing system setup.

Other Setting's


NO : 35

Application Settings : Heating device electrical load.

Descriptions : The electrical load of your connected heating device. it is recommended to enter the real electrical load of your heating device. Otherwise the Temperature offset algorithm at the background may not be accurate.

Factory Settings : 0 A (2 A if you've selected the equipment type as Electric floor heating, Fan with electric heating or Electric radiator. 

Range :  0 to 5 A

Dependencies : -

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Application Settings Q22/Q24 Electrical Load

Descriptions : The electrical load of connected outputs

Factory Settings : 2 A  

Range :  0 to 5 A

Dependencies : Display only if you've configured an output.

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Application Settings OFF/protection configuration 

Descriptions : Configures whether the thermostat goes to the protection mode or completely turns off in OFF mode.

Factory Settings : Protection

Range :  Off Protection

Dependencies : N/A


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Application Settings : Heating control loop

Descriptions : Indicates a different time for PWM (Pluse Width Modulation) pluse periods. you can select the default setting to let the system configure the most suitable heating controller settings based on your selected equipment type.  

Factory Settings : Default

Range :  Slow medium default fast 2-Position self-adaptive

Dependencies : N/A

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Application Settings Floor Temperature limit

Descriptions : Floor Temperature limit for electric floor heating  

Factory Settings : 40 °C

Range :  -50 to 80 °C

Dependencies : Valid only if you've selected the equipment type as electric floor heating and enable the floor temperature input in changing system setup. 

NO : 40

Application Settings Optimum start control

Descriptions : Pre-heat the room in an optimum way so that you can get the scheduled temperature setpoint at your scheduled occupied time. You can choose Warm-up speed, or choose Self-adaptive to let the thermostat learn and decide the warm-up speed.  

Factory Settings : Warm-up gradient  

Range :  Warm-up gradient Self-adaptive 

Dependencies : Visible only if you're activated the optimum start control settings in changing system setup.

NO : 41

Application Settings Warm-up gradient

Descriptions : The warm-up speed that you set to Pre-heat the room.  

Factory Settings : 30 min/K

Range :  0 to 120 min/K

Dependencies : Valid only if you've activated the optimum start control settings in changing system setup and selected Warm-up gradient for Application setting No.40

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