In This Article we are going to see SIEMENS RDS 110 THERMOSTAT Parameter List Part-2 (Humidification Setpoint , Dehumidification Setpoint , Function , Temperature Offset )
Humidification Setpoint
NO : 16
Application Settings : Comfort Humidity Setpoint
Descriptions : The Humidification setpoint for Comfort. This setpoint must be higher than the humidification setpoint for protection
Factory Settings : 40 % RH
Range : 0 to 100 % RH
Dependencies : Display only if you've configured the output as Humidifier (no fan)
NO : 17
Application Settings : Economy Humidity Setpoint
Descriptions : The Humidification setpoint for Economy. This setpoint must be higher than the humidification setpoint for protection
Factory Settings : 40 % RH
Range : 0 to 100 % RH
Dependencies : Display only if you've configured the output as Humidifier (no fan)
NO : 18
Application Settings : Unoccupied Humidity Setpoint
Descriptions : The Humidification setpoint for Unoccupied. This setpoint must be higher than the humidification setpoint for protection
Factory Settings : 30 % RH
Range : 0 to 100 % RH
Dependencies : Display only if you've configured the output as Humidifier (no fan)
NO : 19
Application Settings : Protection Humidity Setpoint
Descriptions : The Humidification setpoint is maintain when you switch the thermostat to OFF under operation mode. This setpoint must be lower than the dehumidification setpoint for protection.
Factory Settings : 30 % RH
Range : 0 to 100 % RH
Dependencies : Display only if you've configured the output as Humidifier (no fan). This setpoint is valid only if you keep default Protection option for Application setting No 37.
Note :
Humidification control works with PID algorithm.
The algorithm continuously monitors the difference between the humidity setpoint for humidification and the measures relative air humidity in the room and switches the humidifier ON and OFF to Keep the humidity above the setpoint.
The humidifier cannot manually be switched on and off. Changes to the setpoint impact humidification control, thereby verifying functionality.
Dehumidification Setpoint
NO : 20
Application Settings : Comfort Dehumidity Setpoint
Descriptions : The Dehumidification setpoint for Comfort. This setpoint must be lower than the Dehumidification setpoint for protection
Factory Settings : 60 % RH
Range : 0 to 100 % RH
Dependencies : Display only if you've configured the output as Dehumidifier (no fan)
NO : 21
Application Settings : Economy Dehumidity Setpoint
Descriptions : The Dehumidification setpoint for Economy. This setpoint must be lower than the Dehumidification setpoint for protection.
Factory Settings : 60 % RH
Range : 0 to 100 % RH
Dependencies : Display only if you've configured the output as Humidifier (no fan)
NO : 22
Application Settings : Unoccupied Dehumidity Setpoint
Descriptions : The Dehumidification setpoint for Unoccupied. This setpoint must be lower than the humidification setpoint for protection
Factory Settings : 70 % RH
Range : 0 to 100 % RH
Dependencies : Display only if you've configured the output as Humidifier (no fan)
NO : 23
Application Settings : Protection Dehumidity Setpoint
Descriptions : The Dehumidification setpoint to maintain when you switch the thermostat to OFF under operation mode. This setpoint must be lower than the dehumidification setpoint for protection.
Factory Settings : 70 % RH
Range : 0 to 100 % RH
Dependencies : This setting Display only if you've configured the output as Dehumidifier (no fan). This setpoint is valid only if you keep default Protection option for Application setting No 37.
Note :
Dehumidification control works with PID algorithm.
The algorithm continuously monitors the difference between the humidity setpoint for Dehumidification and the measures relative air humidity in the room and switches the Dehumidifier ON and OFF to Keep the humidity below the setpoint.
The Dehumidifier cannot manually be switched on and off. Changes to the setpoint impact Dehumidification control, thereby verifying functionality.
NO : 24
Application Settings : Pump / valve kick cycle
Descriptions : A Circle kicked in to turn on a constantly idle pump or valve for a minimum period of time to protect the pump or valve from being locked up. You can set the Kick-in time interval by yourself ; however, the minimum time period the pump or valve is switched ON depends on what heating controllers setting you've selected.
Factory Settings : 500 h
Range : 1 to 8760 h
Dependencies : Application setting No. 38; This function display only if you select the equipment type as one of the following in changing system setup[36], Radiator with pump, Floor heating with valve or Floor heating with pump.
NO : 25
Application Settings : Room presence detector
Descriptions : Allows switching to Comfort automatically if an unoccupied room is detected to be occupied when a scheduled Unoccupied mode is running.
Factory Settings : Active
Range : N/A
Dependencies : N/A
Temperature offsets
NO : 26
Application Settings : Built-in Temp Sensor adj
Descriptions : Temperature offset value for the built-in room Temperature sensor.
Factory Settings : 0 K
Range : -5 to 5 K
Dependencies : Valid only if the built-in Temperature sensor is used to measure the Temperature.
NO : 27
Application Settings : X1 Temp sensor Adj.
Descriptions : Temperature offset value for the Room temperature sensor connected in terminal X1.
Factory Settings : 0 K
Range : -5 to 5 K
Dependencies : Valid only if an external room temperature sensor is connected using X1.
NO : 28
Application Settings : X2 Temp sensor Adj.
Descriptions : Temperature offset value for the Room temperature sensor connected in terminal X2.
Factory Settings : 0 K
Range : -5 to 5 K
Dependencies : Valid only if an external room temperature sensor is connected using X2.
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